About us

We created CultivatED Parenting with moms and their children in mind. We meet for playdates and host homeschool support meet ups to discuss different stages, rainbows and challenges of homeschooling. Information for CultivatED Playdates can be found on our events tab, but location will be for subscribers only (unless an event space is hosting us). Look to our playdates tab for details.

Our vision for CultivatED Parenting is to be the supportive answer for moms in the Capital District, New York . We are slowly and efficiently creating SPACE for moms in different seasons of life and for moms who are local and non-local. Our playdates help our children (and even mamas) socialize and our homeschooling meetings help homeschool moms not feel like they are educating and doing this unconventional lifestyle, alone. We will continue to create supportive spaces and a community where we can teach, learn, play and GROW together.

The Founder of CultivatED Parenting is Sara Donnelly. She is a former public school teacher who quit to be a homeschooling stay at home mom. She graduated with her masters in curriculum & instruction and is certified to teach general education and special education from Birth to 6th grade. She aspires to facilitate mom connections, to create a safe space to talk about teaching and motherhood and more. Overall she desires to be able to create a supportive, loving space and COMMUNITY for her own children in the process.

Let’s cultivate our parenting together

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 22:6