Join our local in-person play dates!

come to our FREE play dates to make connections with other moms and kids ages 0-7+

You would L O V E to connect & hang out with local and homeschooling moms— you have been scouring all the mom play date apps, trying to meet moms and there just doesn’t seem to be a connection happening? or you just want MORE socializing and play date opportunities for your kiddos… You’re in the right place. We plan the playdates, you show up!

Our Playdates are Parent attended for kids and moms. Every Monday moms and kids meet together on field trip-like playdates. We meet at nature centers, museums, lakes/beaches, farms, orchards, playgrounds and more! We keep our locations for email subscribers. Every month we send a calendar with details! Each week and month is different, some activities/locations repeat. We have a few playdates with limited spots so be sure to let us know you’re attending. We are based in the Capital District of NY and these are in person playdates.

During the months of January to March, our playdates go on hibernation meaning we will not have scheduled playdates. Instead we will have “Playdate Pop-ups” which are playdates that are unscheduled. Email subscribers will be alerted to a playdate location on some random Monday mornings during this time. Email subscribers will also have a monthly calendar / seasonal bucket list sent to them during this season! We are experimenting during this season so changes may occur, please keep updated through instagram or email.

*Please note that some playdates require paid entry and that CultivatED Parenting is not currently asking for payment for playdates. If you so feel called to, there is a donation button on the bottom of our website where you can donate money directly to supporting CultivatED Parenting*

March begins our season for weekly Playdates on Mondays! If you would like information, please get on our email list. See you soon!

Are you interested in hosting one of our playdates? Let’s collaborate.

What CultivatED Moms are saying…